2022 Speakers
Caroline Ball
Caroline Ball is the academic librarian for Business, Law and Social Sciences at the University of Derby. She has also worked as a copyright and licensing advisor and a lecturer in publishing, and is one of the co-founders of the UK #ebookSOS campaign. She is also a keen Wikipedian, was awarded the Wikimedia of the Year award in 2020 and has served on the board of trustees for WikimediaUK since 2021.
Lucy Barnes
Lucy Barnes is Editor and Outreach Coordinator at Open Book Publishers, a leading independent Open Access book publisher.She also works on outreach for the COPIM (Community-led Open Publication Infrastructures for Monographs) project and for the ScholarLed consortium. She coordinates the Open Access Books Network (oabooksnetwork.org) in collaboration with OAPEN, OPERAS, ScholarLed and Sparc Europe, and she is on the Editorial Advisory Board for the OAPEN Open Access Books Toolkit. She is also (slowly but surely) completing a PhD on nineteenth-century theatrical adaptations of novels and poetry. You can find her on Twitter @alittleroad.
Anja Busch
Anja is working as a project manager in the area of Open Science and RDM at the ZBW Leibniz Information Center for Economics. She coordinates the ZBW activities within the context of the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) in Germany. Since 2017 she is part of the team of the International Support and Coordination Office of the GO FAIR Initiative to promote the implementation of the FAIR principles.
Kim Buschert
Kim is the Faculty of Management Librarian at the University of British Columbia’s Okanagan campus in Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada. She is fortunate to live and work as an uninvited but grateful guest on the unceded, traditional territory of the Syilx Okanagan Nation. Kim is also liaison to the UBC Okanagan Department of Psychology. Since becoming a librarian in 2014, Kim has been focused on creating flexible online learning materials to support industry and market research, as well as general foundational information literacy. In addition, she collaborated on a three-year project engaging the British Columbia wine industry, and was part of a research group investigating the information needs of entrepreneurs. Currently Kim is interested in the development of wine industry archives and collections, and in faculty collections use. Publications | LinkedIn
Cecile Anne Christensen
Cecile Christensen is deputy director general at the Royal Danish Library and she is responsible for the digital transformation of the organization. She has worked with communication and digitalisation of the public sector for a number of years. She has worked at the Agency of Digitisation where she was responsible for the national digital signature solution and information security. She has also worked for the City of Copenhagen, where she was responsible for creating great solutions and services to the citizens through digital means and Social Media. She has a Law Degree, LLM, from University of Copenhagen and University of London.
Patricia B. Condon
Patricia B. Condon is an assistant professor and research data services librarian at University of New Hampshire (UNH). In her role, Patti develops library services that accommodate the evolving data management and data literacy needs of the UNH scholarly community. She is a member of UNH’s Institutional Review Board and the Responsible Conduct of Research and Scholarly Activity Committee, and participates in regional and national data librarian associations and interest groups. She earned her PhD in library and information science from Simmons College and her MLIS and MA in anthropology from the University of Southern Mississippi.
Paola Corti
Paola Corti is the Open Education Community Manager of the European Network of Open Education Librarians (ENOEL) and she supports librarians in taking action to implement the UNESCO OER Recommendation. Paola has been working in distance learning since 1998. She has been a passionate advocate for Open Education (OE) since 2016 developing MOOCs and OER. She is also an experienced and keen OER teacher and trainer. Paola has the CC certificate for Educators and the CC Certificate for Facilitators to help others make open educational resources reusable. Paola’s work tries to link social justice and Open Education. She helps bridge the gap between educators and librarians in achieving more open access to education.
Julian Franken
Julian Franken completed his masters “Science and Society” in 2019 at the Leibniz University in Hannover. Shortly after (end of 2019) he started to work in the ConfIDent project at TIB.
Omid Ghiasvand
He has received his Masters and PhD in Medical Informatics from University of Wisconsin. He also spend one year in university of Texas in 2019 as postdoctoral fellow. His research has been concentrated on developing new natural language processing and machine learning methods for understanding text documents. Now he is experiencing a new adventure at ZBW working on intelligent communicational tools such as Chatbots. He is very hopeful to follow my passion into the area of artificial intelligence and take a big step at ZBW.
Deborah Grbac
Deborah Grbac, graduated at the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milano, holds a Phd in Public Law (European Union Law) at the Université Toulouse 1 Capitole. Since 2008 she is a Librarian at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano, where, from 2010 has been a Trainer in Information Literacy Courses and a Reference Librarian. Since 2018 she is the local contact person for the United Nations System of Depository Libraries. She is author of papers on topics: Information Knowledge Management, Scientific Terminology, Scholarly Communication, Open Access, Open Science, discussed in International Conferences and Workshops, both held in person and online, and writer of scientific articles for different scientific Journals as “Rivista italiana di Informatica e diritto” (former ‘Informatica e diritto’), “Biblioteche oggi”, and “Umanistica digitale”.
Markus Herklotz
Markus received his Diploma in Sociology from the Technical University of Dresden. From 2015 to 2019, he worked as a researcher for the Centre for Quality Analysis, which carries out the scientific evaluation for all study programs at the TU Dresden. In 2019, he joined the International Program in Survey and Data Science (IPSDS) team, dedicating amongst other topics to the project’s higher education research questions and evaluation. From 2020 on he has been working for the initiative Business, Economic and Related Data (BERD), responsible for providing educational resources and training.
Solveig Sandal Johnsen
Solveig is Informationsspecialist at Aarhus University Library, Business and Social Sciences, and has a Master in Library and Information Science. She works as a Reference Librarian at the Royal Danish Library supporting the Department of Law at the Aarhus University. Her primary focus is law students and legal information seeking, where she is teaching and working with information literacy, reference management etc.
She has been working in an Artificial Intelligence project in cooperation with Copenhagen University Library (also part of the Royal Danish Library) for the past two years. Two systems has been studied at the Royal Danish Library to gain insight into how Artificial Intelligence literature searching works in an academic context. Besides this, she also works with Open Science and in a project with the goal to get more OA-journals in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).
Anastasia Kazakova
Anastasia Kazakova has a MSc in Computer Science. She works at the ZBW – Leibniz Information Center for Economics as a research assistant for research-based development of EconBiz. She focuses on usability and user experience research and design.
Franziska Klatt
Franziska manages the Business Research and Instruction as well as the Communications and Marketing teams at the Economics and Management Library of the Technische Universität Berlin in Germany. She earned a PhD in business administration from the faculty of economics and management of the Technische Universität Berlin. After her studies she worked as a senior consultant for an international management consulting company in the field of customer experience strategies.
Ulrich Krieger
Ulrich Krieger is coordinator and project manager of the BERD@NFDI consortium based at the University of Mannheim. He has a background in survey methodology and served as head of operations of the German Internet Panel.
Atif Latif
Atif Latif received his PhD degree in Computer Science with a focus on linked Open Data (LOD) research from Graz University of Technology, Austria in 2011. He was affiliated with the Institute of Knowledge Management and Know-Centre, Austria’s COMET Competence Centre for Knowledge Management. His main research areas are linked OD, OS and digital libraries. Since 2012, he has been associated with the Leibniz Information Centre for Economics (ZBW) where he investigated solutions to apply semantic and linked data technologies in digital library settings. Currently, he is researching on applications of FAIR principle, metadata standards and data management practices in the domain of digital data infrastructures and Open Science.
Fidan Limani
With a background in computer science and information systems, since 2017 he is associated with the Leibniz Information Center for Economics – ZBW, engaged with (national) research data infrastructure projects. This includes research data management aspects and services implementation for different research communities, with foci on, among other aspects, analysis and implementation of metadata standards, FAIR principles, and FAIR Data Objects, automatic metadata linking to standard bibliographic data, and so on.
Another important part of his research includes the Semantic Web and the application of Knowledge Graphs as integration means for different scholarly research deliverables into (digital) library environments. He previously worked as a research and teaching assistant at the Computer Science department of the South East European University in Macedonia for 10 years.
Julie Kiersgaard Lyngsfeldt
Julie is an information specialist at the Royal Danish Library/University of Copenhagen Library and holds a Master in Library and Information Science. She teaches health students and scientist at University of Copenhagen (UCPH) in academic and systematic literature search, and is the editor of the Open Educational Resources (OER) platform at the UCPH. For the past two years, she has worked on the Artificial Intelligence (AI) project across the Royal Danish Library, the University of Copenhagen and Aarhus University, which has aimed to clarify whether and in what direction AI can support researchers and students in literature searches and literature syntheses at the university.
Lars Oberländer
Lars Oberländer studied Law at the University of Mannheim and specialized in European Law and Privacy Law. Since 2019 he works for the University Library Mannheim as part of the BERD@BW team to prepare the NFDI Consortium for Business, Economics and Related Data (BERD@NFDI). Aside from dealing with legal questions about research data management, he compiles an open information supply about the applicable legal framework, to foster open science and open access. Together with his colleagues, he developed the privacy information tool iVA for researchers and data scientists.
Terence O’Neill
Terence O’Neill is the Entrepreneurship Librarian at Michigan State University Libraries (MSUL) in the USA. As Entrepreneurship Librarian, Terence consults on knowledge management and competitive intelligence for entrepreneurs. His interests include data literacy, decision making by entrepreneurs, and knowledge management practices of entrepreneurs. He currently consults with the MSU Technology Transfer offices, courses, and entrepreneurs across MSU, and the entrepreneurship support network across the state of Michigan.
In his time as MSUL, Terence launched the Make Central Makerspace at the Main Library at MSU, which continues to provide a range of prototyping services. From 2018-2021 Terence worked as Unit Head for MSU Library’s Digital Scholarship Lab, including launching that space and services, managing the team, and leading initiatives relating to eXtended Reality. Terence holds an MILS from the University of Michigan School of Information.
David Patrician
David Patrician is a freelance journalist and event moderator based in Hamburg, Germany. Prior to that, he hosted a weekly show, in German, for Delta Radio. In addition, he has filed stories for the Westdeutsche Rundfunk, N-TV, RTL Nord, Hamburger Abendblatt, Radio Bremen, Voice of America, Deutsche Welle and Newsweek. He worked for the Voice of America, Washington, D.C., for several years and filed stories for both the English and Korean language services. He is also currently the Fulbright alumni coordinator for the Hamburg regional chapter.
Wendy Pothier
Wendy Pothier (she/her) is an associate professor and business & economics librarian at the University of New Hampshire. Wendy has published research on the relationship between business librarianship and data literacy as well as digital badging in libraries. She is the convenor of the ACRL Digital Badges Interest Group and of the Boston Library Consortium’s Business Community of Interest. Wendy is the recipient of the ALA RUSA BRASS 2022 award for excellence in business librarianship. In addition to her MLS, she holds an MS in international logistics management.
Martin Queißner
Martin has an MSc. in Management and Applied Economics from the Johannes Kepler University Linz, with further specializations in Statistics and Bioinformatics. He is currently a PhD student at the Chair of Innovationsmanagement at the Ruhr-University Bochum. In his research, he uses “Data Science” techniques as well as a Meta-analysis to investigate entrepreneurial activity as well as entrepreneurial ecosystems. Additionally, he works in the Entrepreneurial Start-Up Center-funded project at the university to build an information system (monitoring database) to track the university-related data about entrepreneurship support activities.
Sabine Rauchmann
Sabine Rauchmann is a subject librarian at the Library for the Faculties Business, Economics and Social Science and Business Administration at the Universität Hamburg, Germany. Since joining the library in 2014, she teaches information literacy and provides in-depth research consultations to business faculty, undergraduate, master and ph.d. students. She holds a doctorate in library and information science (HU Berlin), a master of science in management (Fernuniversität Hagen) and a diploma in librarianship (FH Potsdam). Her areas of interest include information literacy in general, information needs and search behavior of business students and researchers and systematic literature reviews in business studies.
Arjun Sanyal
Arjun Sanyal is an assistant librarian at the Central University of Himachal Pradesh (CUHP), Dharamshala, and holds a Masters in Library and Information Science from the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai. At CUHP, Arjun is primarily concerned with holding information literacy sessions, technical services, managing virtual reference queries of masters students and doctoral scholars and liaison librarianship. Furthermore, he also has a Bachelors and Masters degree in History from Jadavpur University (JU), Kolkata and his areas of interest include rethinking digital literacy against the backdrop of new pedagogical techniques, libraries and social justice and data librarianship. Arjun is the recipient of the 2020 ASIS&T SIG-III InfoShare Award and the 2021 Alan Hopkinson Award from CILIP ILIG.
Irene Schumm
Irene is the head of the research data center at the Mannheim University Library and involved in several data-related projects like the BERD@NFDI project. Irene holds a diploma and doctoral degree in Economics from the Univ. of Würzburg and has several years of experience as subject specialist for Business and Economics in the library.
Scott St. Louis
Scott St. Louis is the Scholarly Communication and Discovery Services Librarian at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, where he has worked since May 2021. (His surname is a happy coincidence!) Among his responsibilities at the Bank is serving on a multi-product agile team as business owner for Fed in Print, a web application that indexes research outputs from throughout the Federal Reserve System, making information about these outputs available to major discovery services including Google Scholar and Research Papers in Economics (RePEc). He is a graduate of the University of Michigan School of Information, where he completed an MSI in digital curation.
Osma Suominen
Osma Suominen is working as an information systems specialist at the National Library of Finland. He is currently working on automated subject indexing, in particular the Annif tool and the Finto AI service, as well as the publishing of bibliographic data as Linked Data. He is also one of the creators of the Finto.fi thesaurus and ontology service and is leading development of the Skosmos vocabulary browser used in Finto. Osma Suominen earned his doctoral degree at Aalto University while doing research on semantic portals and quality of controlled vocabularies within the FinnONTO series of projects.
Aaron Tay
Aaron Tay is Data Services, Lead at the Singapore Management University. An experienced academic librarian, he believes in the importance of continuous learning to keep up with changes. A founding member of I4OA (Initiative for Open Abstracts), his current interests lie in discovery, open metadata and bibliometrics. His popular blog “Musings about Librarianship” has covered library trends such as discovery, social media and Open Access for the past 10 years and reflects a philosophy of reading, thinking, doing and reflection. You can contact him on Twitter @aarontay
Tim Tully
Tim Tully, MLIS (Florida State University 2014), is the Business Librarian at San Diego State University (SDSU) and is the acting librarian liaison to the Fowler College of Business and the Payne School of Hospitality and Tourism Management. Prior to library school, Mr. Tully was a founding partner of Flomotion L.L.C., an apparel company that targets the action sports and Florida lifestyle markets and is currently the official clothing partner of the PGA’s Players Championship. Before joining the faculty at SDSU, he was a Business & Career Librarian at Brooklyn Public Library (BPL). At BPL, he provided research assistance to entrepreneurs and job seekers and planned public programming on business related topics. Mr. Tully’s areas of interest include the information needs of entrepreneurs, the information needs of job seekers, and information literacy skills in the workplace.
Alexander Unteutsch
Alexander Unteutsch is a librarian at the ZBW – Leibniz Information Centre for Economics in Hamburg. In addition to his work in user services, where he, among other things, holds online seminars on information literacy, he is part of the chatbot project
Giuseppe Vitiello
Giuseppe Vitiello has been Director, EBLIDA (based in The Hague, Netherlands) since 2019.
From 1989 to 2018 he served as Head of Unit, Programme Adviser and Expert in various international organisations: European Commission, Council of Europe, ISSN International Centre, EU-ISS and NATO Defence College. Earlier in his carrier, he acted as Head R&D, National Library in Florence and lectured at the Universities of Orléans and Toulouse. He also held visiting positions at the Hochschule der Medien in Stuttgart and the University of Venice.
With a master in Political Science -international relations, he has post-graduated diplomas in History (Paris, E.H.E.S.S.) and in Library Science (School of administration, Rome). He is the author of six books and more than one hundred articles in library & information science and history of culture.
Erin Wise
Erin Wise is the Manager of the Information Management Team in Baker Library at Harvard Business School. She and her team focus on providing metadata and taxonomy services to HBS, and on developing vocabularies and ontologies to integrate data across the organization. For the past year, Erin has also been leading a cross-functional team in the development of a website that provides entity-centric views of HBS data across repositories. She holds a BA from UCLA, an MA from the University of Virginia and an MLS from Rutgers University.
Isabell Welpe