There will still be some additions and changes.
Conference Day 1, May 15th 2025
Find infos on speakers and panellists here:
09:00 – 09:15 CEST
09:15 – 10:15 CEST
Keynote by Leo Lo, Professor and Dean College of University Libraries and Learning Sciences, The University of New Mexico:
„From Strategy to Practice: The Role of AI Literacy in the Future of Libraries“
10:15 – 10:35 CEST
Teasers for poster-session
10:35 – 11:00 CEST
Coffee Break
11:00 – 12:15 CEST
Poster Session
- Juliane Finger, ZBW – Leibniz Information Centre for Economics:
„Open Library Economics (OLEcon): Enabling Diamond Open Access for journals in business and economics“ - Franziska Klatt, Technical University of Berlin, Economics and Management Library:
„The Role of the Subject Library in Driving AI Transformation at the Economics and Management Faculty of Technische Universität Berlin“ - Jure Bresar, Martina Petan, Tomaz Ulcakar, University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business:
„Enhancing Research Support through Bibliometric Analyses: Insights from the Central Economics Library“ - Gabi Wuethrich, University of Zurich:
„Tables are tricky. Testing Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) Guidelines for FAIR upcycling of digitised historical statistics“ - Silvete Osmani, Astrit Ramadani, South East European University (SEEU):
„Reimagining University Libraries: A Hybrid Model for Small-Medium Institutions Combining Tradition, Technology, and Innovation“ - Brigitte Doss, University of Regensburg:
„Modernizing the Database Information System (DBIS) for Global Collaboration“ - Corazon Martinez Gamboa, Grace Albarida Garcia, Jonathan Garcia Medina, Maria Maura Salang Tinao, University of the Philippines Diliman:
„Ethical Dimensions of AI in Education: A Machine Learning Analysis of Perspectives from Librarians and Information Specialists, Faculty, and Students at the Cesar Virata School of Business, College of Home Economics, and School of Economics, University of the Philippines Diliman“ - Attila Dabis, Corvinus University of Budapest:
„From Promise to Peril: AI Risks and Opportunities for Minoritised Communities“ - Deborah Grbac, Library, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan:
„Developing computational literacy skills at the library for building digital scholarship services“
More posters to be confirmed
12:15 – 13:00 CEST
13:00 – 14:15 CEST
Opening up scholarly output:
- W. Benedikt Schmal, Economics of Science and Competition, Ilmenau University of Technology, KU Leuven, DICE at Heinrich Heine University Duesseldorf:
„ Quo Vadis Transformative Agreements? “ - Dave Hansen, Executive Director Authors Alliance:
„Open access and AI: what power do authors and their institutions have?“
14:15 – 14:45 CEST
A focus on AI
- Jonathan Demiglio:
„AI in Action: Integrating Generative AI into Education and Operations at ESMT“ - Corey Seeman, University of Michigan:
„Neither a Luddite nor a Lemming: Librarians as the Lorax in our GenAI Obsessed World?“
14:45 – 15:00 CEST
Coffee Break
15:00-15:30 CEST
Academic Skills
- Emily Kingsland, McGill University in Montreal: „Press play, press on: Creating videos and synthesizing success“
- Agnieszka Wolanska, Coventry University Wrocław: „Artificial Intelligence in Academic Writing. University Policy and the Supporting Role of the Library“
15:30-17:00 CEST
A focus on AI
- Abdulhalik Pinar, University of Sheffield:
„The Transformative Role of Artificial Intelligence in Libraries and Archives: An assessment on Opportunities, Challenges and Strategic Solutions“ - Lukas Tschopp, University of Zurich:
„Beyond ChatGPT: Academic Libraries‘ Multi-Level Approaches to Critical Thinking“ - Ying-Hsang Liu, Chemnitz University of Technology and Uppsala University, and Magnus Pfeffer, Stuttgart Media University:
„Navigating the AI-Driven Metadata Landscape: A Human-Centered Approach“
19:00 CEST
Conference Dinner
Conference Day 2, May 16th 2025
09:00 – 10:30 CEST
Scholarly Publications, Ownership and AI: Publishers selling content to LLM creators
A new revenue stream for Publishers is to sell papers and books to companies who use them to train large language models (LLMs). Revenue can be substantial, per Ithaka S+R’s tracker [1], showing how much money publishers are making.
Some authors do not believe that deals with AI companies are consistent with author agreements when large language models were not around when they signed contracts with them [2]. With this panel, we would like to look at different aspects and give room to different views on authors’ rights, intellectual property regarding LLMs/ AI-systems, and who benefits from these deals.
[1] Ithaka S+R Generative AI Licensing Agreement Tracker
[2] Blogpost by Janet Salmons “Routledge sells out authors to AI”
- Dave Hansen, Authors Alliance
- Argie Kasprzik, ZBW – Leibniz Information Centre for Economics
- Julia Priess-Buchheit, Kiel University
- Charlotte Wien, UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Find infos on speakers and panellists here:
10:30 – 11:00 CEST
Coffee Break
11:00 – 12:30 CEST
A focus on AI and Library Services
To be confirmed
- Kamogelo Mphuthi, Clara Ngobeni, Rebecca Bapela, Department of Library Services,
University of Pretoria
„Evaluating the impact of AI on information literacy and critical thinking in academic libraries“ - Redzuan Abdullah, Tee Lip Hwe, Singapore Management University:
„From data to discovery: Empowering research with comprehensive library services at SMU Libraries“ - Berthilde Uwamwezi, University of Rwanda:
„Integrating Artificial Intelligence into Library Services for Research Support: Challenges, Opportunities, and Strategies at the University of Rwanda“
12:30 – 13.30 CEST
13:30 – 14:45 CEST
Everything Open: Copyright and OER
- Michel Fraysse, Toulouse Capitole University:
„Copyright in the age of AI : stepping into the future“ - Solveig Sandal Johnsen, Royal Danish Library, Aarhus:
„Open Educational Resources: A Nordic Perspective“ - Lorna Wildgaard, The Royal Danish Library, Copenhagen University Library,
Pernille Nailor, The Royal Danish Library, Roskilde University Library,
Hazel Engelsmann, Solveig Sandal Johnsen, The Royal Danish Library, Aarhus University Library:
„Fostering Open Educational Resources Through FAIR Principles in Danish University Libraries“
14:45-15:00 CEST
Closing of the Conference