Mary Betts-Gray
Mary Betts-Gray is a Business Information Specialist in the Management Information and Resource Centre (MIRC), of Cranfield School of Management and is also Freedom of Information Officer for Cranfield University. Mary has a particular responsibility for developing library support for research within the School and also helping to do so across the University. From 2010, she has been a member of Cranfield’s Research Information System (CRIS) project team. A history graduate from Edinburgh, she spent a number of years working in the field of database development and management and as a freelance information manager before changing career direction and joining Cranfield. Mary is currently President of EBSLG (The European Business School Librarians’ Group). |
Andrea Bollini
Andrea Bollini is deputy leader of International Business Development and head of Open Source & Open Standards Strategy at Cineca. Andrea Bollini has been responsible for software design and development of IT solutions for several projects at Cineca since 2004. He has achieved an extensive experience in setting up repositories with DSpace software and has been a DSpace committer since January 2007. He is member of the euroCRIS CERIF Task Group and of the Architecture Task Group. He is now the responsible for the relation with the open source community and domain communities to preserve and improve the Cineca positioning, assuring the adherence of Cineca solutions to best practice and standards. |
Thomas Bourke
Thomas Bourke is the Economics Information Specialist at the European University Institute Library, Florence. He is also responsible for the statistical data collection at the EUI. Originally from Dublin, he holds degrees in history and political economy. Homepage |
Antony Brewerton
Antony is Head of Academic Services at the University of Warwick. He has previously worked at the University of Oxford, Reading University and Oxford Brookes University. Antony has written widely on topics ranging from marketing to staff development and new modes of support for researchers and has won several awards for his writing. For ten years he was Editor of SCONUL Focus and he has recently been one of the Executive Board of the pan-European Open Access group Nereus. He was recently the project lead for the Research Libraries UK ‘Re-skilling for Research’ project and he lectures on Masters-level Library Science courses on branding. Antony is a Chartered Librarian and a Fellow of CILIP as well as being a qualified marketer. |
Yvonne Budden
Yvonne has been the Scholarly Communications Manager for the University of Warwick since May 2013 which gives her oversight over a range of scholarly communication activities as part of the Library’s support for research, including open access, research data management, copyright, bibliometrics and publishing activities. Yvonne also serves as the current Chair of the United Kingdom Council for Research Repositories (UKCoRR) the professional organisation for UK open access repository administrators and managers and sits on the Jisc Scholarly Communications Advisory Group as part of these duties. |
Anna Clements
Anna Clements is Assistant Director of Library Services at the University of St. Andrews, Scotland and head of the Digital Research Division.The Division brings together Open Access & Research Publications Support, Research Data Management, Digital Humanities and Research Computing. There is also a remit to develop Bibliometric and Data Science support services. Externally, Anna is Executive for strategy on the euroCRIS Board. |
Gulcin Cribb
Gulcin Cribb has been working as the University Librarian at Singapore Management University since 2012. Prior to that, she was the Founding Director of Libraries at Ozyegin University in Istanbul. Her previous roles include Director of Information Services at Bond University, Executive Manager of Physical Sciences & Engineering Library and Manager of Library Multimedia Services at the University of Queensland in Australia. Gulcin has extensive experience in the areas of research support, publishing, digitisation, technology management, strategic management, innovation, learning spaces, information literacy, and virtual libraries. She has been involved in a number of ‘change management’ and space renovation initiatives in libraries in Australia and Singapore. |
Susanne Dalsgaard Krag
Susanne Dalsgaard Krag is Library Manager at Aarhus BSS/Aarhus University and responsible for organizing Scholarly Publication matters (Repository, Bibliometrics, Open Access, Copyright) at University level. Susanne has a long experience in merging libraries, and leading people through change. To succeed in change management it is essential to involve and motivate your staff to work together on planning and making the changes, and to give your team a clear vision and ownership for the process. Changes are inevitable, and to make your staff understand the necessity is essential. Change management requires leadership more than management. |
Chris Flegg
Chris Flegg is the Bodleian Business Librarian, responsible for ensuring that the Sainsbury Library is a well-functioning working environment for the many library users. She is also responsible for building the collection, both print and digital, that best support the reading requirements of Saïd Business School's programmes and the broader research data needs of faculty and researchers of the University of Oxford. Chris has a BA from The University of Melbourne, a Graduate Diploma in Information Science from RMIT University, Melbourne, and a Post-Graduate qualification in Editing. Whilst in Australia, Chris was the co-ordinator of the APBSLG (Asia-Pacific Business Schools Librarians’ Group) and is now Secretary of the EBSLG (European Business Schools Librarians’ Group). |
Michel Fraysse
Michel Fraysse is a Law and Copyright Librarian, responsible for assessment and evaluation, international relations of the library, and legal and copyright issues, at Université Toulouse 1 Capitole, France. Before his arrival in Toulouse, he worked as a law librarian at Cujas Law library and he was responsible for foreign and comparative law and managed the acquisition department of the library. |
Laurence Horton
Laurence Horton is Data Librarian at the London School of Economics and Political Science, where he is responsible for providing the School’s Research Data Management support. He previously worked at GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences setting up CESSDA Training in RDM and digital preservation. He also worked at the UK Data Archive on a Jisc funded Research Data Management project and in acquisitions and preparation of datasets for re-use. |
Liz Lyon
Dr Liz Lyon is a Visiting Professor in the School of Information Sciences (iSchool), University of Pittsburgh, where she teaches graduate classes on Research Data Management and Research Data Infrastructures. Dr Lyon has a PhD in Biological Sciences and was previously Associate Director of the UK Digital Curation Centre and Director of UKOLN Informatics at the University of Bath. Her research covers data curation and open science. At Pittsburgh, she is exploring transparency and trust concepts in open science and is leading the envisioning of the institutional Data Commons. |
Gunther Maier
Gunther Maier is an associate professor in regional science and real estate economics at WU, the Vienna University of Economics and Business. He has published a number of books and academic articles in a wide range of areas ranging from computer applications and scientometrics to regional development and real estate appraisal. For many years he is involved in the European Regional Science Association (ERSA) and in its German Speaking Section which he currently chairs. Gunther Maier was instrumental in the founding of REGION, the journal of ERSA, powered by WU. REGION is an open access journal that is free for readers as well as for authors. Gunther Maier acts as technical director of the journal. |
Teresa Malo de Molina
Teresa Malo de Molina is the Head Librarian at Carlos III University of Madrid. Former positions include that of a Technical Director of the Spanish National Library, where she launched important projects and participated actively in international forums, developing the European Digital Library project. She is actively involved in several professional forums and has extensive experience in teaching as she has been Associate Professor at the Carlos III University of Madrid for several years, and collaborates in multiple training programs for professionals. |
Jane Marshall
Jane Marshall is an Academic Engagement Librarian at The University of Manchester Library. She supports and works in partnership with Alliance Manchester Business School academics to shape the Library's service to the demands of their teaching and research. She is also a member of the Library´s Leadership Development Network, created to develop leadership skills in staff members who show a desire to progress and which is based on performance. |
Michele Mennielli
Michele is responsible for International Relations and Business Development at Cineca, the Italian Consortium of University. He represents the Consortium in several international organizations: he is Board Member, Executive for External Relations at euroCRIS (the International Organisation for Research Information); Member of the DSpace Steering Group; Board Member and Secretary of EUNIS (European University Information Systems Association). |
Olga Nottmeyer
Olga Nottmeyer received her PhD in Economics from the Free University (FU) Berlin in 2011. Before, she was a student of the Graduate Center of Economic and Social Research at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin). She holds a Bachelor degree in Mathematics and a Diploma in Economics, both from the FU Berlin. Her main research interests are applied Microeconometrics, Economics of Migration and Labor Economics. In her dissertation, she focused on interethnic marriages and its labor market implications for immigrants in Germany. She joined IZA as a Research Affiliate in February 2009, and became a Research Associate in November 2011. In addition, she is Head of Project Office, IZA World of Labor. |
Belén Real
Her current role as Director for Adjunct at IE Library allows her to develop different skills and strategies on communication and information technologies, social media, team management and marketing. Pioneering research on latest news and trends in digital libraries, applies such technological challenges in improving the accessibility and user experience, more than 40,000 students in over 100 countries worldwide up to date. Master in “Business Management and Direction of Communications” in IE, expert in “Cultural Heritage Management, Archives, Libraries and Museums” at Universidad de Deusto and “Bachelor in Art History”, at Universidad Autónoma Madrid. |
Guido Scherp
Guido Scherp is the coordinator of the Leibniz Research Alliance Science 2.0 at the Leibniz Information Centre for Economics (ZBW). In this Research Alliance currently 37 partners from different disciplines examine the effects of the participative web on research and publication processes. |
Friedrich Summann
Friedrich Summann is head of the LibTec Department (Library Technology and Knowledge Management) of Bielefeld University Library and has been responsible for many digital library projects in the past. Currently amongst others he is working as a technical director for BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine) and in this context dealing with search engine driven portals and the practical usage of the OAI-PMH protocol regarding harvesting, aggregating and enhancing repository metadata (for BASE, DRIVER, OpenAire). He is engaged in working groups of the German DINI Initiative and COAR. |
Bill Thompson
Bill Thompson is a well-known technology journalist and advisor to arts and cultural organisations on matters related to digital technologies. He has been working in, on and around the Internet since 1984, Bill appears weekly on Click on BBC World Service radio and writes for a range of publications. He is Head of Partnership Development for the BBC Archive, a member of the boards of Writers’ Centre Norwich and Britten Sinfonia, a Visiting Professor at the Royal College of Art and a Visitor at Southampton University. |
Sven Vlaeminck
Sven is project manager for the EDaWaX project at the Leibniz Information Centre for Economics (ZBW). The aim of the EDaWaX-project is to develop a software tool to facilitate the management of publication-related research data – an important incentive for editorial offices to implement data policies and to manage a data archive of a journal. Sven also is involved in da|ra - the German DOI-registration agency for social and economic data, which is part of the DataCite consortium. He holds a degree in political sciences. |