
Keynote: Customer Voices

What do researchers need? What kind of support do they need/expect?
Mikael Laakso, Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki, Finland
Libraries are the critical merging points for top-down and bottom-up support for researchers, where the services offered must be aligned with researcher needs and practices. Libraries purchase services and materials to benefit researchers, but these may not always fit within the established natural workflow of independent researchers. Outside services may provide ease of access and flexibility, making it challenging to convince researchers that what is offered through libraries is better. Lately, the libraries’ position as collective negotiators with publishers has been highlighted, where institutions around the world are finding current agreements to be unsustainably expensive and lacking in terms of open access publishing elements. In Finland, a large cohort of researchers have vocally supported the actions taken by libraries, which is central to enabling change.

Session Predatory Journals / Fake Journals / Fake Science

What is to be done about predatory journals?
John Willinsky, Stanford University and Simon Fraser University, USA
As a developer of open source platforms for scholarly publishing over the last two decades, as well as a tireless (and tiresome) advocate for open access, I’ve come to recognize my responsibility for this question of the predatory journal. This talk will review the steps the Public Knowledge Project is taking to address this phenomenon. These include researching and analyzing the listed publishers, exploring paths of publishing redemption, devising technical and organization checks, and proposing models of open access that restore previous checks and balances. Lessons will be drawn for how scholarly communication, more broadly, may need to change in response to the increasingly public and global dimensions of research today.

Defying Predatory Publishing – Responsibility of Universities and Libraries?
Karin Lackner and Clara Ginther, University Library Graz, Austria
The Publishing Services at the University of Graz, based at the University Library, have been offering support and information on a wide array of topics pertaining to scholarly communications since 2015. The issue of predatory publishing came to the attention of its staff in 2017; a topic that had received little attention in German-speaking countries. The University of Graz was the first institution to offer information, consultations and workshops from 2017 onwards, culminating in an awareness campaign in 2018, before predatory publishing was brought to the fore through an international media campaign, in which both German and Austrian media participated. This talk will briefly highlight key aspects of predatory publishing, such as predatory journals, high-jacked journals, predatory conferences or fake acceptance letters. This is followed by a presentation of the services offered at University of Graz and of lessons learnt, particularly from the awareness campaign. The talk concludes with a reflection on challenges raised by predatory publishing for universities and libraries, most importantly concerning their social responsibility in a time when scholarly research is at risk of being degraded to an opinion among many.

Session New Services and their Impact

Alexa Attends Harvard Business School: A New Voice-Enabled Business Information Service from Baker Library
Michael Hemment and Stephanie Oliver, Harvard Business School, USA
“50% of all searches will be voice searches by 2020” according to comscore “About 30% of searches will be done without a screen by 2020.” via Mediapos

“We estimate there will be 21.4 million smart speakers in the US by 2020” according to Activate

Baker Library at Harvard Business School (HBS) is exploring how a custom library domain intelligent assistant can help HBS Executive Education program participants. Baker’s new `Ask PLD’ voice service allows participants of HBS’s Program for Leadership Development (PLD) to find answers to frequently-asked research questions about the program, look up local businesses, access cutting-edge HBS research, contact support staff, and more—all through simple voice requests.

Based on Amazon’s programmable Alexa service and its growing family of Echo devices, `Ask PLD’ has the potential to revolutionize the delivery of Baker Library services, improve research efficiency, and enhance the campus experience. By tracking voice requests and usage, we will also be able to improve the search and taxonomy of our Baker Library website and other information products. Finally, we believe that this technology can greatly assist researchers with visual impairments or those unable to visit Baker Library in person.

In this presentation, we will highlight lessons learned related to product development, measuring the impact of the service, user experience (UX), and best practices for library voice-enabled information systems.

Digital Badging, Information Literacy, and Business School Curriculum: preparing students for the workplace through micro-credentials
Wendy Girven Pothier, Dimond Library, University of New Hampshire, USA

As digital badging expands its reach into higher education, the merits of using badges in information literacy instruction grow more compelling. Badging allows students to demonstrate acquired skills to future employers in areas such as library research by showing earned competencies, which are shareable on platforms such as LinkedIn. Badges also familiarize students with the concept of micro-credentials, which they are likely to encounter in their careers.

Over the last two years, librarians at the University of New Hampshire (UNH) have developed an information literacy game and digital badge that are embedded into the Peter T. Paul School of Business and Economics’ First-Year Experience program. This project demonstrates the interplay among badging, business school curriculum, and the business world, while integrating the library as a leader in student skill development to enable success in the workforce.

The presenter will examine the value of incorporating digital badging into information literacy work done with business school students. Using UNH’s program as an example, discussion will revolve around the impact of information literacy digital badges on student learning and success, the value of embedding information literacy into business school curriculum through badging, and how badging familiarizes students with workplace micro-credentials.

Measuring the Impact of Library Services for Campus Incubators: A Case Study
Timothy Tully, San Diego State University (SDSU), USA
Universities are playing an increasingly important role in the start-up infrastructure of the United States. According to the New York Times, approximately a third of the 1,250 business incubators in the United States were based at universities in 2012, which was up from one-fifth in 2006 (Pappano, 2012). Toane and Figueiredo’s survey of North American academic librarians who serve entrepreneurship programs showed that 73.08% of the respondents’ institutions offered at least some support for campus incubators, but only 36.71% of the respondents said that the library’s support of campus entrepreneurship was slightly well established. Many of these respondents cited a lack of time or a lack of funding as a barrier to offering campus entrepreneurship services (2018).

For librarians to receive the necessary support to serve campus incubators, we need to prove that our services are adding value, but the literature lacks guidance on how to measure the impact of these services. Fitzgerald, Anderson, and Kula developed a formula for determining the monetary value of the University of Toronto Libraries’ support for the MaRS Discovery District, but they did not identify ways to measure the impact of their services (2010).

After offering market research workshops and one-on-one appointments to San Diego State’s campus incubator, ZIP Launchpad, the campus library surveyed participants and their business mentors to measure the impact of these services. These surveys measure how comfortable the participants felt about market research concepts before and after library services and whether the mentors saw improvement in those market research areas, pinpoint which service added the most value, and identify additional research needs. This longitudinal case study will illuminate which services and research concepts add the most value to businesses in campus incubators and create a framework for librarians to assess their impact.

Operationalizing a New Business Model at the HEC Montréal Library
Bernard Bizimana, HEC Montréal, Canada
After developing a new business model centered on research data services, the HEC Montréal Library must now operationalize it. It is necessary to set priorities and to identify the processes that will maximize benefits to the organization, its employees, and its clients.

To operationalize our new business model, the HEC Montréal Library has chosen the service-profit chain framework proposed by Heskett, Sasser, and Schlesinger (1997). This framework revolves around client loyalty based on client satisfaction, which is based, in turn, on the quality of the services provided by employees. Client loyalty leads to an increase in an organization’s client base and to the optimal use of resources.

The service-profit chain begins at the service level where value is created through employee competency, commitment, and satisfaction. Researchers, professors, and students continue using library services and recommend them to their colleagues and friends. For this to be possible, all actions of library employees must be in line with the operations strategy. This presentation will summarize the steps involved in this operationalization process, as well as the challenges related to service delivery and operations management that the HEC Montréal Library has to address in order to succeed.

Session Open Access Landscape and Access to FED Services

Monitoring Open Access and FAIR data
Anna Mette Morthorst, Royal Danish Library, Denmark
This presentation will present the results of monitoring the publishing ecology of Open Access and the scale of the financial resources being spent on Open Access in a Danish context.
It highlights the results from the Danish national DEFF project Open Access Monitor – DK (OAM): Collection, documentation and administration of Open Access publication costs in Denmark 2017-2018. All Danish University Libraries took part in the project. One important aspect is seeing it from an international perspective with FAIR data as an urgent need.

A rapid overview of St. Louis Fed Economic Information Services: FRED, FRASER, EconLowdown, RePEC, etc.
Christian Zimmermann, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, USA
The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis has been committed to the dissemination of economic and financial information since the 1960s. This presentation will provide an introduction to all that we have to offer in terms of data access, primary source materials, economic education, bibliographic services, and more. While the mission of the Federal Reserve is clearly geared towards the United States, we will also see how these services are useful to the rest of the world.

Poster Session

DigiFit: how to start a digital transformation
Gosia Cabaj and Thomas Meyer, Goethe-Institute, Athens, Greece
How do you start a digital transformation within a traditional organization? “DigiFit” was the Goethe Institute’s digital training program aimed at providing employees with basic digital and social media skills, while keeping it fun, informal, and competitive. The project was set as a five-week challenge: every week participants were asked to hand in their GIFs, tweets, and videos, which were then judged by a jury and awarded points. The points were turned into badges and the winning participants were featured on the corporate intranet. What did we learn? Did the challenge improve the overall digital fitness of the institution? Is gamification the right tool to start a digital transformation for public institutions and libraries?

Building an interactive OER Tutorial. The Micro Level
Nicole Krueger, ZBW - Leibniz Information Centre of Economics, Kiel, Germany
The aim was to build an interactive online tutorial for young researchers in economics and business studies that can be fully integrated into third party online service environments and is fully adaptable. The tutorial in question addresses topics like:

  • Finding a journal for the first publication,
  • Open access publishing,
  • Authors copyright,
  • Recognizing predatory journals,
  • Using social media in research to enhance impact,
  • Measuring research impact with metrics and altmetrics, as well as
  • Questions on research data management and the sharing of datasets.

Not all libraries – or libraries of all sizes – can comprise knowledge in these areas or find the time to build up subject specific online materials in these fields. So it seemed worthwhile to offer this EconBiz tutorial for young researchers for replication. For libraries it is important to offer services in a seamless environment and to label services as their own in order to promote their work. They want to connect relevant external learning materials to their own teaching and reference services. Libraries furthermore serve a local user community, which needs specific local information and contacts. So it is crucial to allow adaption and enhancement of the material – and not only reuse – in order to make the idea of OER work for a tutorial in the library context. These demands raised several challenges concerning the technical basis for the tutorial as well as the licensing of different kinds of contents, it comprises.

This poster wants to present the development of an interactive OER tutorial at the micro level. Not so much the presentation of the ready-made and replicable tutorial is at the foreground, but the questions, struggles, limitations and answers that arose, when we developed it. Another focus is on the presentation of the modes of reusing and replicating the tutorial in a WordPress-, Moodle- or Drupal environment without the need of programming skills on the end of the recipient.

« Not just documentation providers … » : changing the perception of the library by designing new services for researchers
Christine Okret-Manville, Paris-Dauphine University Library, Paris, France
At the University of Paris-Dauphine, which specializes in organization and decision sciences, researchers in economics and business predominate. The library has built high quality collections in economics and management that have gained national recognition as “collections of excellence for research.” In 2016, the library began to expand from its traditional services (e.g., cataloguing of printed books, management of spaces) to provide new user-focused services, including a research service.

In order to attune this service to user needs, the library issued a survey in March, 2017 to solicit feedback about desired tools and services. Results reflected users’ very traditional picture of what a library should be and do. In response, the library developed a twofold strategy to change the perception of the library and best serve today’s scholars, which included improving the traditional core services (ILL, preservation, and dissemination of theses) and providing new research support services (open access advocacy and publications dissemination, data management).

Business information in an era of big data and digitization
Ragna Seidler-de Alwis, University of Applied Sciences (TH Köln), Cologne, Germany
More and more data is being generated in ever-shorter periods of time. Forecasts indicate that by 2020 there will be 44ZB of data and 50 billion digitally networked devices, and that the sources of this data will be highly diverse and multifarious and will differ from the traditional sources for business information.

Digitization and internationalization has caused markets to become more complex and competition to become more multi-faceted. The ability to react and make decisions quickly by analyzing large quantities of data promises to benefit companies and organizations and confer a competitive advantage.

The presenter will explore the significance and potential applications of big data in a business environment, and examine in more detail the influence of new and varied information sources, including social media data, and the importance of data quality and quality assessment of sources.

Library and Technology: IE Library as a tool in the digital transformation of education’s Reinvention and Research
Noelia Romero and Maria Belen Real, IE Library, Madrid, Spain
The traditional view of the library is no longer applicable to the current globalized and hyper- connected world. Users, eager for knowledge, demand data and information through the technology they use. IE Library detects and anticipates the latest trends in technology and integrates them into the user experience. It is an essential part of the digital transformation in education.

IE Library incorporates robots, artificial Intelligence, virtual and immersive reality, gamification, and the unique application DiY IE Library, which allows self-loan and changes the library physical space with the incorporation of the Smart Station.

Developing extended liaison competence in finance: skills in a new terrain
Sigrid Noer Gimse, Norwegian Business School of Oslo, Norway
The BI Norwegian Business School library identified a need to extend services related to finance to both faculty and students. Finance is a major priority of the institution, with 900 master’s and bachelor’s students, and rankings of 10th in Europe and 2nd in the Nordic countries based on finance-related publications 2013-2017.

In 2013, the library hosted an extensive collection of finance databases, but library staff, who were experienced business librarians, did not have the finance skills to provide clients with help navigating these databases. Instead, specific database guidance was provided by student staff for a couple of hours once a week. The library had little in-house competence to address the growing number of questions from clients. To address this knowledge gap, the liaison librarian to the department of finance was tasked with building her competence in finance concepts and the individual databases, and chose the following steps:

  • Classes in Financial Decision Making
  • Self-study, tutorials, LibGuides
  • Two months’ study visit at Georgetown University, Lauinger Library, in Washington DC
  • Cooperation with students and staff
  • The making of a LibGuide in finance research

This presentation will focus on success and failures along the way, as well as results and recommendations.

Connected services, modularity, and choice in researcher workflows
Tamir Borensztajn, EBSCO, USA
The library has a mandate to collect, preserve, and disseminate research output and to ensure unfettered access to research data created by the institution. Yet the platforms available to libraries today run the gamut from publishing tools to repositories, preservation systems, and discovery. Arguably, libraries will benefit from the ability select the components that best serve their researchers’ needs and to choose “best of breed.” But which of the available platforms should connect to one another? How should these platforms connect? And what are the desired workflows?

This presentation will discuss a “3D” model for connected services, from depositing to delivering and discovering research output. The presenter will explore the institutional repository as the platform for collecting and disseminating a multitude of object types while looking at connected services in support of publishing and preservation workflows. Finally, the presenter will discuss ways to deliver better visibility and discoverability of deposited research output.

How users’ experience changed in the case of United Nations Sales Publications
Deborah Grbac, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano, Library, Italy
Changes to the formatting, archiving, and accessibility of United Nations Sales Publications have made the UN Depository Libraries key resources for online users. Depository Libraries can help users navigate the various databases and repositories to retrieve their desired information in the most appropriate format. The suite of services developed by the Library of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Milano, Italy), which has been a Depository Library for fifty years, provides a good example for other institutions.

Session Research Data and Journal Data Policies

The quest for replicability: A review of research data policies in economics journals
Melody Chin and Danping Dong, Singapore Management University
Research data sharing plays a critical role in facilitating the replicability and reproducibility of published research. In the field of economics, journal data policies have been instrumental in encouraging the sharing of data and code, especially when the requirements are strict and enforceable. In recent years, an increasing number of journals have adopted some form of research data policy. This presentation will analyze the data policies of the 74 general and field-specific economics journals listed in the Tilburg University Top 100 Worldwide Economics Schools Research Ranking. We hope to shed light on the range of data policies in place for key economic journals, and evaluate to what extent such policies promote and incentivize data sharing practices among economics researchers.

Data Policies of Economics Journals - Shifting Boundaries?
Sven Vlaeminck, ZBW - Leibniz Information Centre of Economics, Hamburg, Germany
Peer-reviewed publications play a crucial role in the scientific ecosystem. The digital transformation has provided journals with the opportunity to implement data policies that foster reproducible research and make research methodologies more transparent. Data policies ask authors to provide to the journal the data, research instruments, and program code that led to their conclusions.

This type of policy makes it easier to check the strength of research findings and allows for the reuse of data and software code, all of which accelerates the research process. But complying is not only a technical question; it also requires familiarity with specific publication practices within each scholarly discipline.

For scholarly journals in economics, ZBW has conducted several studies since 2012 on this issue. This talk will trace the development of journals’ data policies within the last decade and specify the requirements of these policies. Further, this talk will describe how attitudes toward data policies evolved and discusses the motivations for and against journal data policies.

Session Research Data, Data Mining and Visualization

A two-stage model to reveal a university’s research data landscape and faculty’s research data practices at an institutional level
Thomas Seyffertitz and Michael Katzmayr, WU Library Vienna, Austria
Universities’ research service departments and university libraries have become increasingly engaged in developing and planning strategies and services for research data management. At the beginning of such processes, comprehensive information about what type of research data will be collected, used, or produced by faculty is often lacking. However, having a clear overview of the research data landscape at a university should be a prerequisite to developing research data services at an institutional level.

Revealing the institution’s research data structure should be an integral part of the strategic planning process for research data management (RDM). We propose a two-stage model. First, by analyzing the research output in terms of scholarly journal articles over a one-year period, we reveal types, origin, and content of research data collected, produced, and used. Based on the results of this document analysis, semi-structured interviews are conducted with select faculty members in a second stage.

These methods have helped us gain important insights into the university’s research data landscape. They have revealed researchers’ perceptions of research data management, as well as their needs. Resulting recommendations presented to university stakeholders included the development and implementation of an RDM policy, the establishment of a service to provide consultation and information on research data, accompanied by provision of related online information, and the development of an institutional data repository.

Erasmus Data Service Centre (EDSC): Your FAIR Research Data Solution
Paul Plaatsman, Erasmus University Rotterdam(EUR), the Netherlands
The Erasmus Data Service Centre (EDSC) started in 2006 as an initiative from the Erasmus School of Economics (ESE), the Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), and the University Library, and has developed into a respected partner in Research Data Management (RDM) for the entire campus.

At the outset, the goal was to create access to economics and business datasets, and assistance using that content. It quickly became clear that offering access to, for example, Datastream, WRDS, or Bloomberg wasn’t enough and so the EDSC provided manuals, workshops, individual support, and question handling. Workshop offerings concern predominantly financial topics and, more recently, Research Data Management (RDM). Individual support services translate a user’s research question into a search strategy, download the desired data, and merge datasets. Over time, the EDSC has gained the trust of students, lecturers and researchers. The service center has provided added value for researchers by streamlining data collection and eliminating bureaucratic hurdles such as navigating licensing requirements.

As demand for EDSC services has grown, additional investments in content, office space, and staff have been required. More datasets were acquired, an office was established, and the staff was expanded to include content experts. With the growth of the EDSC, Research Data Management questions were also increasingly directed to the EDSC, and the center participated in local, regional and international RDM groups. Demand grew for RDM activities, leading the EDSC to participate in the Erasmus Research Service.

The EDSC now provides services that cover the research lifecycle, including planning, data gathering, data analysis, data storage, data sharing, and publishing and archiving.

From project to local competences - experiences with the Danish ROIAV project
Lars Lund-Thomsen, Royal Danish Library, Aarhus University, Denmark
The presentation will build on our experiences with the Danish ROIAV project. The project was a Deff (Denmarks Electronic Research Library) sponsored project running in 2017 and 2018. I will run through the project and show the workflow and experiences with the project. We ended up working a lot with VOSviewer and managed to set up a 2-day masterclass with the people from Leiden. I will discuss the challenges we face using visualization programs, both in terms of supporting the academic staff but also teaching library staff new skills. Through the project, the importance of these new skills became very clear, and a discussion of how we try to catch up with these new technologies and how we will use them in the future are very important.